Saturday, November 10, 2007

We are home!

well, not really...but we are back on American soil as we wait for our connecting flight back to RDU! We traveled for roughly 24 hours after arriving to Malawi from Mozambique, stopped over in Zambia, switched planes in Ethiopia, refueled in Rome, and now in DC...WOW!

Just to give you a quick recap of our last two days...

-(on Wednesday)the Seminar eneded on a FANTASTIC note! Words cant really describe it, but we can tell you this...the Holy Spirit was all up in there!

-that night, the young african men had a suprise for us...they did a sort of "roasting" skit of ALL of us, mimicking our actions and tendencies. It was HILARIOUS! It really touched our hearts that they cared about us so much to take the time to think up all of the skits.

-that night there was an earthquake! It was just a tremor, but lasted for about 10-15 seconds. Half of us slept through it and the other half had NO IDEA what is was until the next morning!

-the next day (Thursday)was spent mostly traveling, but Mike S, Crystal and Glenda were able to go back to the hospital. More than 1/2 of the patients they had prayed for earlier had already been discharged!

-Before we flew out Friday morning, we were able to stop by the market in Lilongwe, Malawi. We bargained with the best of em! Nothing has a price tag, EVERTHING is negotiable! It was quite an experience, as we had TONS of people surrounding us every step we took to try and buy from them.

THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for all of your prayers and support. The Lord is really doing AMAZING stuff over there. The African people are HUNGRY for the Lord and the Holy Spirit. I encourage each one of you to check out the Wheresoever website (link on the side of the blog) to get a history of how it started and what exactly is going on. There are so many awesome stories and happenings, it is almost unbelievable! They need ALL the help they can get, whether it is financial, prayer, or serving on the next trip! We hope to see you then! :)

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